This month’s featured presenter is Sravan Kasarla, Chief Data Officer at Thrivent

For many years companies in the financial services industry have been at the forefront of using technology to help with many operations and processes. In this interactive presentation Sravan Kasarla, Chief Data Officer (CDO) of Thrivent Financial will discuss how AI is currently being applied in financial services, where the financial services industry rates in their adoption of AI compared to other industries, as well as how can companies create a responsive business especially from an AI perspective.


  • 11:30-12:30pm: Featured Presentation
  • 12:30-13:00pm: Your Q&A and interaction

About Data for AI: The Data for AI Community is geared toward innovative companies pushing the boundaries of what’s possible with Artificial Intelligence and cognitive technologies. This community is focused on the data side of AI including: Data Engineering, Data Preparation, Data Labeling & Annotation, Sourcing and Generating Data, and All Other Topics Data-Related for AI. Join us at this monthly event for high-quality content with compelling & informative speakers and opportunities to network and connect with fellow like-minded individuals. ​

